Measuring Quality of Our Netas
21 JULY 2023
The quality of a Neta is an important parameter as it can run or ruin democracy. Some say the most important thing is how they represent their constituents and get things done for their district or state. Others believe Neta’s character and integrity are the most critical factors.
Our Netas can 'run' or 'ruin' a democracy
There are many other factors too. Ultimately it is up to each voter to decide what qualities they value most in their representative.
Statistics can give some insight into Neta’s effectiveness and the value Neta brings, and whether it matches the voter’s priority.
But, statistically measuring the quality of a representative is difficult for a new entrant, as there is no data to evaluate their performance. Therefore, assessing quality based on just the numbers is not entirely feasible.
Factors to consider when measuring the quality of a Neta
Measuring the quality of a Neta is difficult as the most sought-after characteristics are honesty, transparency, punctuality, sincerity, education, humility, patience, peacefulness and judicious decision-making. But, of course, they are entirely subjective traits.
Most of the traits are subjective, hence difficult to measure
Nevertheless, all these factors can help us determine which leader or representative is a qualified candidate for public office.
Neta’s honesty and trustworthiness exist beyond being mindful of legal and ethical implications; honesty in words and actions builds respect and credibility with their constituents.
As of 2021, 205 Indian parliamentarians have declared criminal cases against themselves. They include 146 Lok Sabha (lower house) and 59 Rajya Sabha (upper house) members. Out of these, 131 MPs have declared serious criminal cases such as murder, attempt to murder, kidnapping, and crimes against women.
However, it is essential to note that the declaration of criminal cases does not necessarily indicate guilt or conviction, and some cases may still be under investigation or trial.
The criminalisation of politics in India remains a matter of concern, and efforts are being made to address this through legal and electoral reforms.
Transparency allows onlookers to see how representatives use their knowledge and insight as they interact with colleagues, constituents and opponents alike.
Punctuality emphasises respect, while sincerity and humility capture the humanity of Neta’s mission that must blend passion for service alongside tempered judgment when making important decisions.
Education further allows leaders to make informed decisions for their constituents, and patience helps keep cool heads during tough times.
According to a report by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and National Election Watch (NEW), based on the affidavits filed by the candidates, the following is the revelation.
During the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, out of the 539 elected members of the lower house of the Indian Parliament (Lok Sabha), 394 (73%) had declared that they had completed graduation or above.
Out of these, 243 members (45%) had declared that they had completed graduation, 120 members (22%) had completed post-graduation, and 31 members (6%) had a doctorate.
All these components contribute to creating an influential leader whose rational decisions allow progress to occur peacefully.
Neta campaigning for election, should understand the importance of welfare and be responsive to the people, considering their interests when formulating policies. To be an effective debater in this field, one must possess unbiased views, basic welfare knowledge, and research to support their arguments.
Knowledge and statistics alone won’t be enough to sway people, though, as the best Netas are educated in controversial welfare issues and are great communicators, reaching and engaging people.
Being both an informed public speaker and a capable meeting planner will help any political figure wishing to make their mark in the world of public service.
Other factors include their ability to work with others, get things done, and make tough decisions.
When selecting potential candidates, patient and honest individuals typically stand out amongst the crowd. Therefore, assessing one’s ability to be patient in difficult situations and honest in admitting mistakes or wrongdoings is essential.
Unfortunately, not many cultures support admitting mistakes, and Netas must be mindful.
Many cultures don't support admitting mistakes. It becomes their pitfall.
Additionally, sound leadership qualities include being genuine and healthy in vocalising opinions in a debate or severe argument. Those gifted with both of these qualifications often find themselves able to make tough decisions under pressure and have no problem getting things done.
Currently, the measure of Neta needs to be more specific. Now it is solely dependent on winning elections. People vote based on some perception that is relevant at the time.
It could be community bias, religious affinity, charisma or rhetoric. Netas who make a mark have a winnability factor in party politics due to vote bank politics.
No wonder we see movie stars, sportspersons, and religious leaders in politics rather than seasoned grassroots social workers.
People vote based on some perception of Neta, which can lead to a skewed measure and hinder democracy. Therefore, reviewing a quality standard formally and periodically is essential for an accurate measurement.
Winnability is key factor in party politics and it supersedes all other traits of a Neta
Instead, all Netas must be assessed on a quality standard, even though there are no elections. These standards must be reviewed formally and periodically. Being a Neta is a job. They are accountable for the welfare of the people, and just the winning vote, once at the end of the term, is not sufficient.
The periodic assessment will ensure that the people vote for the candidate with the population’s best interests in mind and do not resort to a superficial opinion. The measure is also vital in upholding democracy and giving citizens confidence in their choice of leader.
There is no doubt that good Netas make vibrant democracy. The nation’s development needs to have Netas of the highest standard. Yet, no country in the world has a method of periodically measuring the performance of its Netas.
No country in the world has a method of periodically measuring the performance of its Netas
The democratic process is fundamental to the development of any nation. While good-quality Netas must be in the right place, they are committed to public service and equally held accountable to their constituents.
It is vital for the nation’s development that society select, nurture and encourage Netas of the highest calibre, as it will ensure democratic stewardship over the long term. They are essential to tackle complex issues, creating supportive environments and embracing diversity meaningfully.
Since no country has an effective system that periodically measures its Netas’ performance, widespread consequences exist. Even in developed countries, people in a legitimate democratic process still fail to express their views to the government.
Hence, we observe protests on fundamental living issues like clean water, cheap energy, affordable housing and food inflation. Expecting a genuine response from Netas of developing countries may be a myth.
It highlights the importance for civil societies worldwide to seek out individuals with integrity who can only attract awards by actively engaging citizens in the democratic process. As Amartya Sen describes in his book, The Idea of Justice, democracy is a government run by discussion.
Democracy is a government run by discussion
~ Amartya Sen
Some people think the most important thing is Neta’s voting record on the house floor or their policies. Others believe that what matters most is their ability to get things done for their constituents or make tough decisions. And still, others think that it’s all about speeches, rhetoric and public statements.
How to measure the quality of our Netas remains unanswered, even though democracy is now more than a thousand years old.
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