Editorial Vision
ExpertX.org will be a leading forum for serious discussion and free exchange of ideas. The articles will deal with understanding and causes of things that have consequences. Wherever possible and desirable, we will provide references, maps and pictures to illustrate the arguments and logic.
There will be numerous contributors from their field of expertise, who will join the Consortium of Expert Contributors (CEC) at their free-will. The opinion and arguments presented will be their own. In no way does ExpertX.org and its Consortium of Expert Contributors want to hurt any feeling or sentiments intentionally while trying to provide a healthy environment for honouring new ideas, challenging norms and respecting difference of opinions.
“In pursuit of its principle, ExpertX.org will not support anyone cause, however worthy. Like the right principled consortium, it will tolerate vast differences of opinion. Its articles will not represent any consensus of beliefs. What is demanded of ExpertX.org is that we be competent and well informed, representing truthful opinions and credibly expressed.
On the other side of ExpertX.org, we do not expect readers to empathise with all the thoughts they find there. For some of our contributors, they will be disagreed with others, but we hold those articles while keeping clear of mere vagaries. ExpertX.org can do more to manage expert opinion by a broad openness to contradictory ideas.
ExpertX.org does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in any article, signed or unsigned, which appears on its pages. But it does carry the responsibility for giving the contributors a fair opportunity to perform here.”