Many Reasons for Vaccine Hesitancy
The world in these times of pandemic is fractured. It can be divided into Anti-Vax (anti-vaccine) and others. Generally, anti-vaxxers reject the prevailing western scientific outlook that vaccines are the only safe and effective method, fighting against infectious diseases.
There are many reasons to believe that vaccines are motivated by reasons which are not transparent, like corporate profit, human experiments, geopolitical interests, anti-religion etc., rather than genuine concerns about the population.
While the media and general understanding about anti-vax have been clubbed into one definition, underlying anti-vaxxers or vaccine hesitancy, there are multiple reasons.
Anti-vax can be broadly categorised as those who are
Wait and watch
These are people who believe in science and the usefulness of vaccines. They agree with the vaccine results against smallpox, polio, measles.
But they are not sure about the Covid Vaccine. Because the covid vaccine has been developed in a short duration and brought in used with emergency approval, these people are not confident.
History has shown that the usual time for the vaccine to be researched, developed, tested and get approved is usually 10 to 20 years. In the case of the covid vaccine, it has taken just those many months instead of years.
The governments and pharma companies reason out the rapid development of data sharing and collaboration amongst the scientific community. But this is hardly convincing to the layman about the additive productivity in research.
By that argument, only if all the scientists pooled their resources for a humanitarian cause, a vaccine for HIV or malaria could have been developed, by these scientists, nearly three decades ago.
There is a no-liability clause for the covid vaccine, which has given fear to this group. Hence, the best position these watchers could take is to wait for another couple of years to see the results of the vaccine or let the pandemic die its death, like the Spanish Flu of 1918s.
There is a no-liability clause for the Covid vaccine, which has given fear to this group.
The efficacy of the vaccines offered wane with time. Hence, the governments insist on multiple dozes along with booster shots. Israel is already implementing the fourth dose of vaccine to protect its population.
Other developed countries insist on at least two doses to be called "fully vaccinated". There are also talks in medical circles that it is a possibility that the entire population may need a shot every 3 – 6 months.
Well, this is undoubtedly not a confidence-building situation for any group that is inclined to take a shot.
The group which are the most dominant and vocal about the vaccine are those who reject the concept of vaccine altogether. They doubt the motive of the government and the pharma companies.
According to them, it is the sustained corporate profit for decades to come that is driving the vaccination program. There are many conspiracy theories driven by historical events that convince this group.
They have questioned the role of Dr Fauci and Bill Gates in promoting the roll-out of vaccines. The humongous profits earned and projected earnings of the pharma companies add weight to this group's arguments.
The humongous profits earned and projected earnings of the pharma companies add weight to this group's arguments.
For example, Moderna is estimated to gain $19 Billion as profit in one single year, a jump of 20 times.
Similarly, there are stories about pharma companies bagging expensive contracts from the government or dictating the exorbitant pricing terms. These strengthen this group's beliefs against the vaccine.
There aren't any. All believe that Covid is real, but many doubt the origin and source. Hence, they believe that Covid is fake, either the work of the Chinese government or overstated Flu-like disease.
This category of people are mainly in the US, victims of misinformation, led by climate change sceptics or anti-science groups.
Political motives primarily drive these think-tanks and groups of influencers; hence, their credibility is questionable.
The outcome of this information warfare has led many to be non-believers in the pandemic.
Unfortunately, that scepticism continues to the vaccine too, which also entangles with the history of previous vaccine disasters and accidents of medical science.
The political lines of being Republicans now segregate many in the US. Studies have shown that conservatives and republicans are covid denials and anti-vax because they are less likely to be infected.
The scientific reason for this is their lifestyle and the places they live. Mostly, these places are sparse and spread out, giving an automatic social distancing.
It adds to their belief that vaccines are not required and an infringement of their civil liberties.
In many instances, the information war has linked the government's door-to-door vaccination drive in the US to conspiracy against the "Right to bear Arms".
It is said that vaccination drive is one step forward in collecting arms from the people.
... the information war has linked the government's door-to-door vaccination drive in the US to conspiracy against the "Right to bear Arms".
How the covid non-believers process, the number of deaths in each country will be an interesting study.
Historically Left outs
In the 1920s and 30s, the University of Tuskegee, Alabama, USA, under CDC, studied black men suffering from Syphilis. The study required the administration of drugs as an experiment leading to the deaths of nearly 100 men.
So why will the Afro-American community believe the government's claims and their health department now for the vaccine's efficacy?
Puerto Rico – has been a deprived territory of the US. It suffers from poverty and lack of health care while being part of the US democratic system.
Suddenly, if the US government comes forward for vaccine promotion and administration, there is no reason why the population will not be weary of the intentions.
Previously, the vaccines had a base of pig fat. Religiously. It had been a no go for the Jews and the Muslims. With the same argument, the covid19 vaccines also stand against the religious sentiments of these populations.
In the 1950s, the polio vaccine had left nearly 200 cases of paralysis as side effects, and so did the H1N1 vaccine with patients suffering from Narcolepsy.
In short, there have been umpteen cases of mishaps, accidents and shortcomings. It has left many affected with life-changing disabilities or deaths.
Good enough to convince a large section of the population worldwide of conspiracies and ulterior motives of the agencies.
Ever since there have been vaccines, there have been sceptics. Both have 200 years of history.
A large section of the population is always left out in all countries. Inequality is omnipresent, and it plays a significant part in vaccine hesitancy.
Predominantly black and ethnic minority communities have been trailing in social mobility. They are anti-vaxxers because of a lack of social security.
If they fall sick due to the side effects, their health insurance does not cover the illness, and they lose out on their job security.
Top it up with the history of persecution, racism, and social divide; convincing this group to get inoculated is an uphill task like any mainstream section of society.
The trust in governments and pharma companies is at an all-time low.
The trust in governments and pharma companies is at an all-time low. The more these entities push for the vaccines, the more the groups become suspicious about the intentions.
All this while, the governments have been giving out only good stories about the vaccine, while there are serious concerns and adverse incidents associated too.
For trust building, a balance and factual reporting are necessary all governments are failing on this front.
There is a plethora of mixed messages by governments of different countries suffering from the same contagion. While some governments impose heavy-handed restrictions on their citizens, others do away with all restrictions.
On the one hand, the governments are declaring the Covid19 Omicron variant as mild, still insisting on the third dose of vaccine (booster shot).
Sometimes the World Health Organization talks about the high transmissibility rate of the Omicron variant and its mild effect; other times, the same WHO issues warning against the same variant.
Initially, in 2020 when the pandemic was at its peak with the first wave, people were given hope by the developing news of the vaccine. In 2022, the world still is pinning its hope on the vaccine.
It all started with one dose of vaccine, and the world could have returned to normalcy. Subsequently, the second dose got introduced with the reason of elevated efficacy.
By 2022, all governments will insist on third and fourth doses. For many, who enthusiastically participated in the cycle of the first dose for them, it seems a never-ending saga.
Even now, the scientific community is not confidently claiming the sustained efficacy of the vaccines. However, statistically, the world has evidence that people are getting sick due to the Omicron variant.
Millions, each day is the number, and the sick includes both vaccinated and unvaccinated.
The numbers bring out a contest between the sceptics and the medical community. Is the lower hospitalisation due to vaccination or the mild nature of the variant itself?
The confusion continues. All governments, irrespective of their hemisphere and continent, struggle to convince 100% of their population to get inoculated.
World over, the anti-vaxxers make up 25 – 30% population. So they are significant numbers and can tip the balance of herd immunity in favour of yet another pandemic.
If the governments and health agencies bring vaccine hesitation into their folds, they have to address each group individually. It will be a gigantic task to win over the confidence and trust.
There is an intertwining of history, racism, medical accidents and disasters, scepticism and confusion. Clubbing all these together will make matters worse and put the respective groups in defensive.
Like they say – no one is safe until everyone is safe; the battle for safety continues, and safe vaccines have a critical part to play.
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