Chancing With WW3
NATO & Russia
Like the previous world wars, we need two military superpowers engaged in a hostile face-off to start world war 3. This time it is Russia and the United States of America.
Although they have been adversaries since the 20th century, it was heightened during the cold war. These days, the same sense of hostility has reached its peak again.
This time the bone of contention is Ukraine. Russia feels that The United states using NATO as its method to form alliances has come too close to the Russian border in the West. Strategically for them, they are surrounded by the allies of NATO, and the security concerns are life-threatening.
As the former Soviet Republic, Ukraine has shown its keen willingness to join NATO. It has enshrined its desire in its constitution.
So if you have a look at the map of Russia concerning NATO, Russia has complete reason to feel threatened by the positioning of NATO allies on the western borders.
The United States, on the other hand, along with its European allies, are pushing Ukraine as a sovereign state to choose the NATO alliance, pursuing its right to self-determination. Hence, they are defending Ukraine's freedom to choose.
With heightened tension between Russia and Ukraine, other nations have realigned their interests and now choosing friends and adversaries. It is leading to a 3rd World War kind of a situation.
On the military front, the Russian and Ukrainian forces are fighting a fierce battle in different cities and towns of Ukraine. There are street battles causing casualties on both sides.
Soldiers and civilians are killed in these battles, and millions are displaced as refugees to various neighbouring countries in Europe and Russia.
Russia is a military superpower, having fought wars in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Crimea, and Syria. On the other hand, Ukraine, the breakaway soviet colony, is learning and fighting. The NATO alliances supply their military hardware.
Hence technically, by way of definition, it continues to be a two-nation war, and not a World War, yet.
... technically, by way of definition, it continues to be a two-nation war, and not a World War, yet.
While these two nations are fighting inside the territory of Ukraine, other hostilities are being played out by the US and its NATO allies against Russia. The hostilities include sanctions, boycotts, infowar, resolutions in the United Nations, pressurising Russian friendly nations, trade blockades and trade wars.
Similarly, Russia is also using the same tools to pressurise The United States and its allies to stop supporting Ukraine's membership in NATO.
The two superpowers are already fighting a fierce war in the diplomatic channels. It's a behind the scene war for now but has begun to affect not only the population of Ukraine and Russia but also the populations of the allies of the superpowers. In fact, the whole world is now engaged in this war, some militarily and others differently.
Since the different reactions involve many nations, it is nearly a World War.
Since countries other than Russia and Ukraine are not militarily engaged, many are not considering it as serious as a World War. For now, life in the rest of the world is partially or not at all affected.
However, when the pressure of economic blockades and sanctions starts to impact the lives of the majority of the global population, other countries may begin to engage militarily with Russia or Ukraine. That is the time when the world will formally enter World War 3.
As of now, both the superpowers are trying to prove their arguments. Russian forces are conducting a special operation inside the territory of Ukraine, which The United States is calling an invasion.
However, NATO and its allies are still not active in military action. Hence their action is only limited to diplomatic pressures, advisory function to Ukraine, and supply of military hardware.
We are witnessing heightened tension between the superpowers, never seen since the end of World War 2. The NATO allies like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey bordering western Russia, are armed to maximum and battle-ready.
Russian nuclear weapons are at the peak of their readiness. Hence, any ground commander's misunderstanding or even minor accident can trigger a military confrontation between the Russian forces and NATO.
It is a dangerous situation to be in, and the world can easily slip into an uncontrollable nuclear war involving many countries across the globe.
Currently, few countries are engaged in stopping the war or effectively resorting to a peaceful resolution. It is worrisome for the rest of the world. There have been multiple UN resolutions, but as we know from its history, they seldom impact a situation involving members with veto power.
The economic sanctions and blockades that each superpower is applying are making matters worse. The steps taken on either side would take many years to reverse and restore to normalcy.
Consequently, the animosity between the superpowers, along with their allies, will continue for a long time to come. Hence, any military engagement can flare up smoothly into multiple countries warring each other during these times.
For now, we are on the brink of another World War, where powerful countries are gambling their economic, diplomatic, military strategies to find an upper hand. Unfortunately, each side is blinded from the impact of their actions, affecting the humanitarian side of the world.
While world leaders are calling for the cessation of war, millions of Ukranian refugees are fighting a bloody conflict at home and bitter winters outside. Only time will tell when the plight of these refugees and the frustration will snowball into an armed revolt and aggression in European countries.
The superpowers are taking chances and gambling with peace in Europe.
But, while doing so, they do realise that their actions are consequential to the rest of the world, and their race to power can lead to a World War of unprecedented proportions, endangering the existence of the human race.
For now, we are on the brink of another World War, where powerful countries are gambling their economic, diplomatic, military strategies to find an upper hand.
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